
The Character Meta for the Attributes Module.


characterMeta:addBoost(boostID, attribID, boostAmount)

Adds a boost to the character's attributes.


  • boostID String

    The ID of the boost to add.

  • attribID String

    The ID of the attribute to which the boost should be added.

  • boostAmount Integer

    The amount of boost to add to the attribute.

Example Usage

character:removeBoost("some_boost_id", "some_attribute_id", 10)

characterMeta:getAttrib(key, default)

Retrieves the value of a character attribute, including applied boosts.


  • key String

    The key of the attribute to retrieve.

  • default Integer default: 0

    The default value to return if the attribute is not found.


  • any

    number The value of the specified attribute, including applied boosts.

Example Usage

local attributeValue = character:getAttrib("some_attribute_key")


Retrieves the boost value for a specific attribute.


  • attribID Integer

    The ID of the attribute for which to retrieve the boost.


  • any

    number|nil The boost value for the specified attribute, or nil if no boost is found.

Example Usage

local boostValue = character:getBoost("some_attribute_id")


Retrieves all boosts applied to the character's attributes.


  • any

    table A table containing all boosts applied to the character's attributes.

Example Usage

local boostsTable = character:getBoosts()


Retrieves the maximum stamina for a character. This function determines the maximum stamina a character can have, either from a hook or a default value.


  • integer

    The maximum stamina value.


Retrieves the current stamina for a character. This function returns the character's current stamina, using either a local variable or a default value.


  • integer

    The current stamina value.

characterMeta:removeBoost(boostID, attribID)

Removes a boost from the character's attributes.


  • boostID String

    The ID of the boost to remove.

  • attribID String

    The ID of the attribute from which the boost should be removed.

Example Usage

character:removeBoost("some_boost_id", "some_attribute_id")

characterMeta:setAttrib(key, value)

Sets the value of a character attribute.


  • key String

    The key of the attribute to set.

  • value Integer

    The value to set for the attribute.

Example Usage

character:setAttrib("some_attribute_key", 10)

characterMeta:updateAttrib(key, value)

Updates the value of a character attribute by adding a specified value to it.


  • key String

    The key of the attribute to update.

  • value Integer

    The value to add to the attribute.

Example Usage

character:updateAttrib("some_attribute_key", 10)